There’s no denying that slots are one of the most popular casino games around. These simple machines can be played by anyone with a spare coin or two. However, the terminology and mechanics of slot can be confusing for those new to the game. To help you out, we’ve put together this guide to all things slot. In it, you’ll find everything you need to know about paylines, credits and the paytable.
A slot is a thin opening or groove in something. In the case of a slot machine, this is where the reels are located. The reels are essentially a visual display that shows what stops have been selected by the RNG. While they’re fun to look at, they serve no real purpose other than to let players see if they won or lost. The fact is, by the time the reels stop spinning, the RNG has already made its selection.
The carousel refers to the grouping of slot machines in a circular or oval arrangement. On older mechanical machines, the carousel is often illuminated by a candle. Today, electronic machines typically use a credit meter to show the current balance. This is typically a seven-segment display, but video slot machines may use stylized text that suits their theme and user interface.
The TITO button is used to cash out your winnings from a slot machine. It also signals to the operator that you would like change or a hand pay, or that there is a problem with the machine. This is also the button to press if you want to play on another machine.